Tuesday, November 11, 2008

our shit is FINALLY here

As you may remember from our earlier blogs, on October 21st we handed our boxes and boxes of shit over to a moving company. Today, finally, our shit came. We were happy campers...

We've been through such a journey these past couple of weeks, that I almost forgot what I had even brought with me from New York. As I unpacked the boxes and boxes of my shit, I realized how few useful things I packed. For instance, Brian and Angel had boxes and boxes of dishes and clothes. I had a few bowls and some spoons crammed in a bag with VHS tapes, and one small bin of clothing, then a bunch of boxes filled with comic books, VHS and DVDs. Angel described my room as the kids room. It was hard to deny when I opened up a box to find this...

Of course, Angel shouldn't have been making fun of me for my childish play things. Because he quickly opened up a box to find this monstrosity...

He's Doing it For Her from Ragtag Productions on Vimeo.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Damn, that thing's still kicking, eh?