Last week, the Ragtag Gang went to a Nintendo Party hosted by our old Hofstra pal Greg Bellavia, wherein everyone had to dress up like a famous video game character. Here we all are. Extra points to everyone that can name who we are...
I can't remember the name of the guy Angel is but it's on the tip of my tongue; Patrick is Billy Lee from Double Dragon; Steve is Frog-Mario from Super Mario bros. 3; Brian is Pong (which is atari not nintendo); and the girl is Princess Daisy from Super Mario Land, Mario Tennis, Mario Party 3, etc.
I can't remember the name of the guy Angel is but it's on the tip of my tongue; Patrick is Billy Lee from Double Dragon; Steve is Frog-Mario from Super Mario bros. 3; Brian is Pong (which is atari not nintendo); and the girl is Princess Daisy from Super Mario Land, Mario Tennis, Mario Party 3, etc.
Angel is the Game Genie attachment to the Nintendo that is the automatic cheat.
wheneveri think of NES I think immediately of
bad dudes, yo! noid, and little nemo.
Nice! That is a great idea!!!
absolutely epic =]
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